Who are the Scholars involved? Find out more...
Your comments are invited on draft papers which are released for public comment. Have your say on topics of focus.
Our Scholars investigate, research and articulate the Islamic theological position that applies to the subject of focus.
MajlisTT recognizes the explosion of social media and its explosion of use and impacts on society today. Manifest in different forms, it facilitates interaction, networking content consumption and broadcast, as well as comments and dialogue. The technology can be a force for good or bad; progress or degradation; prosperity or poverty. If used responsibly, persons
Read MoreSome papers are difficult to work on. Divorce was one such paper – from considering the spread of issues, hearing from persons on how they feature and manifest, to the institutional and social implications of the process and outcomes… it is not pleasant to see and hear families and individuals going through these situations. We
Read MoreAlhamdulillah. All praises are for Almighty Allah, All-Knowing, All-Merciful. Our last post was some time ago, but we have certainly been busy. Some new papers have been developed and released – see our Final Papers page for the list. From Unity in the Muslim Ummah, to Fundamentalism & Jihad, Covid and its derivative issues on
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